Thursday, April 12, 2012

Of Mice and Men


God damit Lennie what have you done. we cant go on from this now. You killed Curley's wife and he's sure to come after you. I was shocked to find out what Lennie had done I could not believe a guy filled with love was capable of doing something so horrible. I joined Curely and the men to look for Lennie luckily I found him first. I shot Lennie in the had it just had to be done I could not let him live with what he had done. It was the most terrible thing i have done. I wish i could take it back but now its too late.

Of Mice and Men


Im scared, i killed curley's wife but i told her not to scream but she scream anyways its not my fault. Now we have to go away again, i have to go hide in the brush and wait for George. I sure hope he come. She told me it was ok that she let me but then she scream and I grabbed her mouth shut so she wouldnt scream but she still screamed but I told her its not my fault. I hear them coming for me oh George hurry up please George.

Of Mice and Men


Curley's wife is so pretty. She looks so soft I want to pet her just cause she look so soft. Lennie told me to stay away he never like me to meet no people because he think il get in to trouble but il show him. George say she no good and that you cant turn a hoe into a house wife. George all ways seems mean he never like to have no fun and all ways yell at me I dont like it when George yell it me it makes me sad. I tell him i can leave and live in the moutains but he say no because he wants me with him.

Of Mice and Men


We met Curley's wife today, she sure seems like a tart. I think she might cause some trouble with Lennie. I sure hope not we really need to work. I heard she been with Slim somewhat but I dont mind it, aint none of my business so its best I keep my mouth shout. I saw the way Lennie looked at her, it was the same look he had when he grabbed the girls dress in Weed. I warned him about staying away from her now I only hope he can obey what I told him. I wont be surprised if she come in again trying to cause trouble.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Of Mice and Men


I dunno why George all way think I get in trouble, I never do nothing rong honest. He say if I get in trouble to go hide in the brush and wait for him to come. Curley scare me, he look at me in a mean way I dunno why I never do nothing to him. George say to stay away from Curley so we dont get in no trouble. The guys were nice to me they seem like nice people, I like them. George say we can't work today that we have to wait til tomorrow its ok though I dont really like working. Geroge is my best pal, I never do nothing to hurt George. I like bunnies.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Of Mice and Men


We arrived late to the ranch, we's sure is lucky we still got the jobs. We all most god darn lost it when Lennie opened his big mouth.  We met a couple of fellas today including the boss and the bosses son, Curley. They all seemed like good fellas except for that Curley guy. Im worried about him, I dont want him causing Lennie and I any trouble. We each got our own bed so that was purdy nice, its sure has been a while since I last slept in a bed. We stayed in the bunk house because we could not work today, boss man just didnt allow it so guess we'll have to start tomarra. I warned Lennie to stay away from Curley because he might try to cause trouble but I also told Lennie that if Curley tries to get tough to let'm have it. I'm not even sure if this big dummy was even lisnten to me, I just hope he was and not think bout them damn rabbits.

Of Mice and Men


George made me leave again. We always have to leave, every time I get settled in a place George makes me leave. As we was walking along the road, George started talking bout me. He was saying that I want no good and that I always got him into trouble. Just cause I hugged a girl to hard they made us leave. That’s what George told me. Then we came to a pond with fresh water, and I was hot. So i started drinking the water and George started yellin’ at me, telling me that I was going to get sick. I just told him that he should have some because it was good and it was hot outside. I know he thought i was stupid because he started talking about me again and he even took my mouse away from me and threw in away. That really made me mad because i worked hard to find that one. It wasn’t my fault that I killed every mouse I got!! Finally we found a place to sleep for the night and George made me go get fire wood to cook beans on. But i didn’t like my beans without ketchup but George told me we didn’t have any.

Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck


God damn its hotter than a son of a bitch out here and worst of all its humid. If it wasnt for Lennies big ass I would probably would have died by now. But the shade from his enourmous body helps my body cool, at least he can be somewhat useful. And goddam that bus driver for giving us the god dang wrong directions no we out here in the sun with no water, bastard. To make matter even worse I got Lennie over here bugging me about how he wants me to descibe the land that we will soon own every few minutes. Oh my Jesus Lennie is such a bozo he been walking around with a dead mouse in his pocket for who knows how long. He darn kill the poor mouse by petting it, poor fella dont even know his own strenght. Getting kinda dark know its best we set up camp for the night. Lennie got some nerves asking for ketchup while we ate, he know darn well we aint got no ketchup. Best we rest up now and get ready for whats ahead.

Monday, March 19, 2012

About Me

I enjoy watching movies and sports. I am graduating this year. I was born her in Arizona. I like watching Tosh.0 because he is freaking funny.