Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Of Mice and Men


George made me leave again. We always have to leave, every time I get settled in a place George makes me leave. As we was walking along the road, George started talking bout me. He was saying that I want no good and that I always got him into trouble. Just cause I hugged a girl to hard they made us leave. That’s what George told me. Then we came to a pond with fresh water, and I was hot. So i started drinking the water and George started yellin’ at me, telling me that I was going to get sick. I just told him that he should have some because it was good and it was hot outside. I know he thought i was stupid because he started talking about me again and he even took my mouse away from me and threw in away. That really made me mad because i worked hard to find that one. It wasn’t my fault that I killed every mouse I got!! Finally we found a place to sleep for the night and George made me go get fire wood to cook beans on. But i didn’t like my beans without ketchup but George told me we didn’t have any.

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