Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck


God damn its hotter than a son of a bitch out here and worst of all its humid. If it wasnt for Lennies big ass I would probably would have died by now. But the shade from his enourmous body helps my body cool, at least he can be somewhat useful. And goddam that bus driver for giving us the god dang wrong directions no we out here in the sun with no water, bastard. To make matter even worse I got Lennie over here bugging me about how he wants me to descibe the land that we will soon own every few minutes. Oh my Jesus Lennie is such a bozo he been walking around with a dead mouse in his pocket for who knows how long. He darn kill the poor mouse by petting it, poor fella dont even know his own strenght. Getting kinda dark know its best we set up camp for the night. Lennie got some nerves asking for ketchup while we ate, he know darn well we aint got no ketchup. Best we rest up now and get ready for whats ahead.

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